行銷 / Admin工作


Skilled digital marketer with 15 years experience and dual Master’s degrees. Adaptable to Western and Chinese cultures. 擁有15年經驗和兩個碩士學位的數位市場行銷專家。熟悉中西商業文化。

語言: 英文 / 中文 (廣東話) / 中文 (普通話)

來自: 香港

時薪: HKD300/小時


I have a wealth of experience in digital marketing, having worked and studied in the USA and HK for years. I know how to craft online strategies that suit different markets and niches, and I always keep up with the latest developments in the field. Now, I have decided to live a more leisurely lifestyle, where I can enjoy my hobbies and interests. I am a digital marketing expert who can elevate your brand to new heights online, but also a friendly and humane person who values balance and happiness. Fluent in English and Chinese, and 2 Master 's degree in MBA and Commercial Laws. 我在數位行銷方面有豐富的經驗,多年來在美國和香港工作和學習。我知道如何制定適合不同市場和利基的線上策略,並且時刻關注領域的最新發展。現在,我決定過一種更悠閒的生活方式,享受我的愛好和興趣。我是一位能夠將您的品牌在線上提升到新高度的數位行銷專家,但也是一位友善和富有人性的人,重視平衡和快樂。 精通英文和中文,擁有MBA和商業法學的雙碩士學位。


University of Northern Iowa
University of Greenwich
LLM International Commerical Law


Online Growth Marketer | marketingo.digital
Digital Marketing; Social Media Marketing; Marketing Coaching; Content Marketing; SEO; Business Copywriting; Performance Marketing; Direct Marketing; Facebook Marketing; Translation; Transcript Writing; 推高銷售額之方法; 網絡營銷; 撰寫社交媒體FB, IG內容; 中英商業文案互譯; 中英翻譯; 社會媒體帖文內容;


Professional and Creative English-Chinese Translation Services

As a bilingual business communication expert with over 15 years of experience, I offer professional and creative English-Chinese translation services that will help you achieve your goals. Whether you need to translate a website, a brochure, a presentation, sales pitch, marketing copy, or business plan, I can deliver high-quality and accurate translations that will communicate your message effectively and persuasively. I have worked with clients from various industries, such as finance, technology, education, medical and tourism. I have a deep understanding of the cultural and linguistic nuances of both English and Chinese markets, and I can tailor your content to suit your target audience. I can also use various marketing hacks, keywords, and SEO tactics to make your translated content consistent, professional, and impactful. 作為一名擁有超過 15 年雙語商務溝通經驗的專家,我可以為您提供專業和創意的英文-中文翻譯服務,幫助您實現您的目標。無論您需要翻譯網站、手冊、演示文稿、銷售提案、營銷文案或商業計劃,我都可以提供高品質和準確的翻譯,有效地和有說服力地傳達您的信息。 我曾與來自各行各業的客戶合作,例如金融、科技、教育、醫療和旅遊等。我對英文和中文商業文化和語言細微差別有深入的了解,並且可以根據您的目標受眾來調整您的內容。 我還可以運用各種營銷技巧、關鍵詞和 SEO 策略,使您的翻譯內容保持一致、專業和有影響力。

Content Marketing and SEO Specialist - Boost Your Leads with Quality Content

Content marketing is not just about writing catchy headlines and captivating stories. It’s also about making sure your content is optimized for search engines and reaches your target audience. That’s why we offer a comprehensive content marketing and SEO service that covers keyword research, on-page SEO, content writing and editing, and recommendations. The content will be made to align with your tone of voice and writing style, and to enhance organic traffic from Google or Baidu. 內容營銷不僅僅是寫出吸引人的標題和引人入勝的故事。還要確保您的內容適合搜索引擎,並能夠觸及您的目標受眾。 因此,我們提供全面的內容營銷和 SEO 服務,涵蓋關鍵詞研究、頁面SEO、內容寫作和編輯以及建議。內容將與您的品牌風格保持一致,並增加來自Google或百度的自然流量。

Social Media Content Marketing Pro - Engage Your Audience with Quality Content

1. Short term: Content Create: Engaging content for your Facebook or Instagram or other pages post (Basic Text & Image). Designing easy and eye-catching graphics to strengthen the text. 1. 短期:內容創建:為您的 Facebook 或 Instagram 或其他頁面發布創造引人入勝的內容(基本文本和圖像)。設計簡單而引人注目的圖形來強化文本 2. Mid term: Platform Management: Reviewing campaigns on your social media platforms, provide recommendation or brief audit of targeting and budgeting. 2. 中期:平台管理:審核您的社交媒體平台上的活動,提供目標和預算的建議或簡要審核。 3. Long term: Develop Marketing Strategy and Direction: Aligning with your goals and values. I will conduct an analysis of your brand identity, positioning, and messaging, and providing alterations on how to improve them. 3. 長期:制定營銷策略和方向:與您的目標和價值觀保持一致。我將對您的品牌身份、定位和信息傳遞進行分析,並提供改進它們的替代方案。