
Xtion Memory

Xtion 隨時準備好開拍 等待你做出Action

語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 中文 (普通話) / 英文

來自: 香港


♦ Xtion取名來自愛拍片的導演X,並諧音Action! 導演X擁有5年以上的拍攝經驗,擅長用電影感包裝各種影片,作品集橫跨於影視圈、電影圈、廣告、婚禮、活動紀錄、尾牙、空拍等。導演X擁有美國、香港、台灣拍攝經驗,英文、廣東話、中文溝通沒問題,影片語言不侷限,多元語言拍攝,歡迎各國的好朋友~~ I am director X. Welcome to Xtion! For the past years, I’ve worked in both the TV/Film industries in the US, HK, and TW. My expertise is in storytelling, allowing the audience to flow with it, to feel the intensity, sensation, scent, and authenticity captured by the lens. I do Corporates Documentaries, Commercials, MVs, Weddings, as well as drone work. If you are interested in expanding your business reputation, then dive into video marketing. I would love to be a part of your business. Don’t hesitate to contact me. ♦ Xtion 提供主要拍攝項目: Corporate Video企業宣傳/形象影片㇑Documentary活動/訪談紀錄片㇑Micro Film 微電影 ㇑Music Video 音樂錄影帶㇑Commercial 廣告㇑Travelogue 旅遊跟拍㇑Behind the Scene 幕後花絮㇑Drone 空拍㇑Wedding 婚禮 Demo Reel 作品錦集: https://youtu.be/yMGCWXhfwP8 作品持續增加中…… 〖 Xtion 隨時準備好開拍 等待你做出Action〗 任何影片需求問題 歡迎詢問喔~ 寄信到xtion.memory321@gmail.com 也可以的!!
